3/365 What to write

ha ha,

It is easy to think that I should write something every day, even if it is 4 lines but the difficulty is to actually decide about what to write. One more difficulty is that I also want to write something in my own mother tongue (Tamil). As I am currently travelling, I am yet to find some peaceful time to type in Tamil (though transliteration). I am sure with time, I will find space in days where I actually just focus on writing a post for the blog. Not bad a beginning eh!, 3 days in a row, before I hit the bed, I stop by to scribble a few lines.

I visited an island near Wellington today, such a pristine place which is so concerned about it bio-diversity. They even check everyone before they let you into the island. No predators they say. They still let humans in. Such a conflicting note though.

Good stuff to argue right?eh. 

More to come in the following days.



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