18/365 Judging

One of the key goals I started to practice after doing my interpersonal skills course was to stop judging. When we all started the course, we all had to set a goal for ourselves to start with and one of the goals I mentioned was that I generally judge people quickly before even knowing them completely and that creates a bias on my opinions which I make during the interaction. Great course to do that was and it clearly helped me to identify spots where I can make changes. From then onwards, I have been making careful efforts while interacting with people on not to judge them.
I have been partly successful. Recently, I also reflected upon my other belief systems based on my earlier judgements about people and places. Suddenly I realized that, there has been some places which I do not like because of the judgement I had made earlier. US and UK are among them where I never wanted to go (or not the most preferred country of travel) because of my false judgements about the country (why false because I never made an effort to justify to myself about why I did not like these countries). Then I made an effort to understand for myself first before again making a final call on my decision. That's where my recent trip to US has helped me to change my opinion about US. From not liking the country, I have now started to like this place.
See how false judgements about people and places can be so wrong!
Now, you also try to not judge quickly and make an effort to analyse and empathise before making opinions on your own!


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