Rest in Piece
Disclaimer: All the Characters and incidents portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance of the characters to an actual person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Friday, 13th April, 2012 03.22 hours
The car was speeding at 120 km/hr on a national highway with a
little louder music. Sarah sitting adjacent to Aravind was half asleep. Aravind
pulled out the last cigarette from the box and lit it. Disturbed by the smell
of the fumes, Sarah in an irritated voice said, "Stop smoking cigarettes
while driving Aravind, these fumes are really disgusting"... Aravind
turned toward Sarah and said, "When will you stop fuming, Sarah?" and
before completing the statement... trash.... Aravind ran the car over a guy
crossing the road as he lost control with the cigarette in one hand and a
diverted attention in responding to Sarah's question..... The splashed blood
covered the entire wind shield before Aravind hit the brake..... Holy shit!!!..Shekar
woke up from his bed to realize that this was just a dream. That was Sarah
again, he contemplated... he couldn't rest in peace these days!...
Shekar works in a mortuary as a post-mortem assistant and is
someone who is undisturbed by blood as he faces it on a daily basis. For him
everything is flesh, be it a human body or an animal. He consumes a lot of
alcohol to overcome the smell around him at the workplace but in principle he
has been a very clean and honest person.
Wednesday, 4th April, 2012 16.45 hours
Dr. Vivek entered the post-mortem room looking for Shekar. He
found Shekar lying on a table deep asleep. He also found a half emptied local
brand alcohol bottle placed adjacent to Shekar. After spending a couple of
minutes in waking him up, he asked Shekar to urgently arrange for the
post-mortem room. Shekar though was unconscious knew the process by heart and
was meticulous in preparing the room. Dr. Vivek mentioned Shekar that he'll
also help in getting things ready as he found Shekar over drunk and the case
was a little urgent.
Wednesday, 4th April, 2012 06.23 hours
"Aaaahhhhh".. Screamed Kavitha the moment she entered
Sarah's room. She found Sarah lying on the couch with a part of her body and
cloth completely drenched with blood. The circumference of the blood layer was
wide and the texture of the same was scary on the white bedspread on which
Sarah was lying. The blood had come from Sarah's left wrist which was cut
deeply and Sarah was holding a knife on her right hand. Kavitha, the maid
immediately called Aravind who was working overnight that day. Aravind was
shell shocked hearing this and rushed back home. While driving home he was
contemplating over the recent fight he had with Sarah, but still wasn't
convinced that Sarah could commit a suicide. As soon as he reached home and saw
Sarah, he broke into tears. A couple of hours later, Dr. Vivek and circle
inspector Hari were there consoling Aravind. Dr. Vivek was a good friend of
Aravind. Hari arrived there at the spot as soon as he had the information over
the phone. After preliminary investigation, Hari requested Dr. Vivek to take
the body for a post-mortem. Aravind was still in a phase where he wasn't
conscious of what was happening around him. It was hard for him to believe his
life Sarah had just taken away his life along with her!. He was trying to
recollect the argument he had with her the earlier evening and that was the
reason why he left to office!.
Friday, 13th April 2012 09.30 hours
Shekar was extremely disturbed by repeated dreams of Sarah, he
has been getting such wired dream since the day he did the post-mortem. As he
had consumed too much of alcohol, he wasn't able to recollect anything he did
the other day except for the so peaceful face of Sarah and Dr. Vivek helping
him. He felt that Sarah didn't deserve the death at this early age when he was
cutting across her!. He tried to recollect the process and was worried by the
repeatedly haunting dreams in which Sarah appeared every time. He was also
aware that Aravind was arrested under suspicion because the post-mortem report
had concluded Sarah's death as murder but still the motive of murder was
unclear among the network. He also was aware that inspector Hari was handling
the case and decided to talk to him about his repeatedly haunting dream.
Suddenly something stuck at his leg as he didn't notice the rod lying in the
corridor while walking with thoughts. He lost his balance and fell down and
while he fell a silver bracelet fell out of his pocket.
Tuesday, 3rd April, 2012, 21.05 hours
Dr. Vivek entered the post-mortem room looking for Shekar. He
found Shekar lying on a table deep asleep. He also found a half emptied local
brand alcohol bottle placed adjacent to Shekar. After spending a couple of
minutes in waking him up, he asked Shekar to urgently get him a stretcher to
move a body from the ICU ward. Shekar also went along with Dr. Vivek and helped
him move the body from ICU ward to the Ambulance. Shekar went to sleep in the
mortuary room itself after helping Dr. Vivek. The next morning he woke up to
find the stretcher kept back at its place but also found a thin silver bracelet
on it. He took it kept in his pocket to hand over it to Dr. Vivek.
Friday, 13th April 2012 09.34 hours
Shekar cursing himself for not noticing the rod also picked the
bracelet and reminded himself to go and meet Dr. Vivek to handover the
bracelet. He straight away walked to Dr. Vivek and handed over the bracelet to
inform him that this was found on a stretcher. Dr. Vivek collected it and after
a brief observation looked up to Shekar and said, "Thanks Shekar, this is
Sarah's, where you got this?. Is it from the stretcher on which Sarah's
post-mortem took place?". Shekar was confused as his mind went blank and
he just nodded his head . He immediately wanted to get out of there and meet
inspector Hari. He left the room and walked quickly across the corridor, while
crossing the reception, he could over hear the receptionist who was on her
phone. "Yes Dr. Vivek, we'll send across the receipt of Mrs. Sarah Aravind
to your cabin in a while for her check up on 12th April".
Shekar now walked at an increased speed towards the road, he
found Sarah on his left with a serene smile walking along with him! Now he felt
that he could rest in peace!
