The journey of Emotional Fool
One not so fine evening, close to two years back, I was sitting in front of my laptop to post yet another blog but little did I knew that it will shape into a book which would lying adjacent to my laptop some months down the line. It happened just like that. Would like to shortly summarize the journey through. I completed writing the book in a little less than 3 days (imaging how vella / vetti I should have been then :-P). Didn't feel like bringing it out in a form of book then but eventually my thoughts were convoluted. Finally I decided to bring this out as a book.
I shared this with a very few people who read the first draft and provided their feedback. Based on their inputs I read it again a couple of times and incorporated a few changes. To be honest, my English is poor and poor to an extent where my Hindi is better that English :-D. I ought to make grammar errors and spelling mistakes. I thought the editor would take care off. I wanted one of my friend to do the editing and she was a very busy person. I chose to wait but it took longer than a year and then I asked her if I can go ahead and do the editing with some other professional editor. She gave a nod and agreed to edit my next book.
The editor after reading the manuscript wrote a lot of comments (probably he must have felt like running away while reading my English and deleted a lot of pages. Initially I thought I would retain many of those as I felt it was relevant to the book but went on to delete them. With those, when I read again, the book did make an appeal. I would also point out that half of the book's credit should be given to my friend Preeta who did the cover design. I could have never imagined such a wonderful one, which adds a lot of value and appeal to the book. I remember when I first discussed with her, I clearly told her that I can only imagine a maple leaf on the cover design She was clueless of why and from where did maple leaf came in and so was I :-P. She then came out with 3 wonderful designs out of which we zeroed in on this.
I was a bit reluctant and confused on approaching established publishers and thankfully I decided to work on the lines of getting it self-published. I then ran into Notion press who agreed to publish and brought this book out in a little less than 7 working days!...
I was a little worried on how it would be received, but to my surprise many of my friends who read gave a positive review!.. After them recognizing the book, I might now proudly say that I am an author!. I planned to bring out a sequel to it and now have decided against it.
Thanks to all for your support and do read, write your feedback, suggest and recommend Emotional Fool to your friends!
The book is available at
The book is available at
Amazon - both paperback and kindle version Emotional-Fool-Selva- Ganapathy/dp/938244730X/ref= sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid= 1359049110&sr=1-1&keywords= emotional+fool