One fine day I get to know that the GEAC have approved the commercial cultivation of Bt-Brinjal in India, by then thankfully I know what it was and I was worried about a millions of other Indians who didn’t know what exactly it is. With the GEAC approving it and scientists getting up to stand with them and celebrate the decision and newspaper editors talking about another Green Revolution and media praising the end of food crisis.. The forgotten part is the comman (Wo) man and his / her hungry stomach!.
There is a report which prepared by GEAC talks about the technicalities of the seed, the contents of the seed the nature of the protein and the amount of toxins in it, alpha, beta and gamma along with parts per million, gram per kilogram etc., etc.,. It doesn’t talk about any of the effects these alpa, beta and gamma would / might create. It’s disgusting that a regulatory body which should raise concerns keeping in mind the comman man have surrendered to corporate and raising concerns to save them. It’s a shame that the committee doesn’t get appropriate answers to the queries raised by eminent people like Pushpa Bhargava and other concerned NGO’s.
India a country known for its tradition, culture and more for its agriculture is now moving to modern western practice in all its initiatives. It’ll seriously reflect un-expected results if GM food is brought into cultivation without proper test, by then it will be too late to re-call. Let’s preserve it when available rather than crying after it gets destroyed.
There is a Rajasthani song which a friend sings which came into mind "Desh jaave bhaad mein tu mojh manataryo"


दर्शन said…
I feel the serious concern is that these autocratic systems and agencies are making the Agri industry as a corporate .. fully dependable on corporates like Monsanto or Mhyco ...

they are not 1% concern for health and eco system ..

The serious issue is these agencies are taking a decision on behalf of 1 billion people when these people don't know about the decision .

Are we 1 billion citizen helpless enough that we can't stand against a criminal corporate like Monsanto ...
Will it be a same story like union carbide ...

Shame on GEAC and the GOVT.

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