Meera (Part 2)

before you begin to read part 2, please do read part 1 here. Thanks.

Today 17.30 hour (UTC +01.00), Café Hawelka, Dorotheergasse, Vienna

“You haven’t changed a bit Meera,” I said her looking at her Melange.
She smiled back and did not respond anything. I think in the last 30 mins we hardly spoke anything except for the fact that I was trying to develop a conversation by commenting on the things and people around us. I knew Meera did not want to hear them from me. I knew that she’ll respond to me immediately if I start to speak about Music. I perhaps did not want her to respond. I wanted this time to prolong. It was one of the toughest situations to be in at the age of 57 (at any age to be honest). I liked it!
“Meera, do you remember the last time when we met here?”
Her eyes lit up and she responded by listing out every single thing we spoke including the prediction we made about Illayaraja after listening to his Annakili album which released in May 1976. She started to slow down when she came to the point where she had to explain how that day ended and the consequences we had.
I intervened – “Do you know Meera, I met Ilayaraja once I got back to India and had an opportunity to work with him in some projects”. She said “I knew it, I have been following your work”
“Nethra is brilliant and smart, I love her. You are so lucky” – said Meera.
“Yes, yes, I am lucky to have Nethra in my life. She is my world. You know? she is more than music to me but”… I stopped sipping my Melagne.

24th December 1976, 23.30 hour (UTC +01.00), Central Square, Vienna

“I’m really sorry Meera” – I tried to convince her.
“Please don’t be sorry, I don’t want you to be sorry, I know you in and out and I should have expected this (or maybe I expected this) coming from you”- said Meera.
I didn’t want to prolong the argument with her.  I told her that it’s getting late and we should get back to our places.
I didn’t sleep that night. I am sure Meera wouldn’t have. I saw her the next day at the classes. She was casual as usual as if nothing happened. I was not. I was uncomfortable. The problem was that I liked her. I liked her so much. I do not know how to avoid her but I needed a reason to avoid. I was stupid.
I think most of us are stupid.

11th March, 7.00 hours (+05.30 UTC), somewhere on the road between Alwarpet and RA Puram in our car

“Appa [Dad], don’t be stupid. O.k”, said Nethra.
“Unbelievable Nethra and you say that I am being stupid?”, though I was disappointed, I never dared to raise my voice against her. She bloody knew it and plays it smartly.
“Sari po [O.k go], I am not going to talk to you anymore” replied her.

“What non-sense ma this?” asked me, but before I proceed, she intervened and said “Ayyo raama, just for the time being, not like for-ever and don’t say anything now. I am semma [like a lot] angry on you”

to be continued.


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